Dr Obonna's Surgery

Southwick Health Centre, The Green, Sunderland, SR5 2LT

Practice Rated ‘Good’ by Inspectors

Our practice has recently been inspected by the Care Quality Commission, the body that regulates health providers in England, and we are pleased that the inspectors have rated our service as ‘good’.
An earlier inspection at the end of last year recognised a number of strengths, but placed the practice in ‘special measures’, as the inspectors felt we did not meet their requirements in full. These concerns mainly centred on systems and processes rather than patient care, at a time when we were affected by higher than normal sickness levels within our staff team.
Over the past few months, the team has worked exceptionally hard to address these issues and improve the services we offer. As a result, the practice has now achieved a ‘good’ rating in all five categories – Safe, Caring, Responsive, Effective and Well Led.
We would like to thank the many people who rallied behind the team and became an active force in helping to involve our patients in making improvements, as well as NHS Sunderland Clinical Commissioning Group for its support and guidance.
We are committed to providing high quality healthcare, and continuing to improve our service to the community we have been part of for over 26 years. If you would like to get more involved in the work of our practice, we would be delighted to welcome you as part of our Patient Participation Group to ensure that it includes every part of our community. To find out more, please ask any member of the practice team.